
Jim Letourneau's Blog

Retired Life

Investing, Technology, Travel, Geology, Music, Golf. I think that covers it.

Silver Newsletter Writers

I've had some very thoughtful and positive feedback on my post about undeveloped silver deposits. I've made a few edits based on those comments (thank you Mickael!).

In keeping with the silver theme, I thought I'd provide links to a few of the better known silver commentators.

Paying a few hundred dollars for investment ideas can pay off handsomely. It only takes one good idea to pay for a subscription many times over. It is not a good idea to blindly follow someone else's ideas but if you think silver prices are going higher and you like to invest in junior silver companies then it is nice to have some research at your fingertips.

Keep in mind that your time frame and investment objectives may not be in sync with the newsletter writers.  I estimate that they look at 100s of junior silver companies a year and they end up with lists of maybe 5-20 companies that they like. There is great value in that kind of specialized knowledge. The challenge for commodity specific newsletter writers is that they can provide a great service during bear markets but won't be providing as many money making ideas.

My own observation is that subscriptions to The Big Picture Speculator tend to peak with the junior resource stocks and I'm sure the same situation occurs with the silver newsletters. Look for updates to the newsletter site as it needs some TLC.