
Jim Letourneau's Blog

Retired Life

Investing, Technology, Travel, Geology, Music, Golf. I think that covers it.

Batman's Bold Move

My small group of friends has self-organized into a Google Hangouts group. It is a pretty easy way to check-in with your self-isolated tribe. There are lots of potential discussion topics including:

  • Waking up

  • Making coffee

  • Eating lunch

  • Afternoon nap quality

  • Tales of walking outside in unfiltered air

  • What’s for dinner?

  • Going to sleep

  • Virtual happy hour

The sky is the limit! My favourite activity our online improv group sessions… Yes, and….!

Yesterday we riffed on purple martins and their living arrangements,

Today we did superheroes. There was a huge controversy over the use of costumes. This is a subject that evokes strong opinions. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and we can get back to having fun.

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