
Jim Letourneau's Blog

Retired Life

Investing, Technology, Travel, Geology, Music, Golf. I think that covers it.

RIP Tony Joe White

I don’t think too many of you will know who Tony Joe White is. He’s had songs covered by Elvis and Tina Turner so most of you will have heard his music. I learned about him via his appearance with Foo Fighters on The Late Show with David Letterman. Letterman was clearly impressed and ended the show with “If I was this guy, you could all kiss my ass!”

I saw him in Nashville at the City Winery last year where he introduced his drummer as Fleetwood Cadillac.


I saw Fleetwood Cadillac sit in at a later show where he became Brian again. Show business doesn’t have to cost a ton of money.

You can see Tony Joe playfully talk about his drummer in one of his last recorded performances at Paste Studios in New York.