Jim Letourneau's Blog

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On the Road

Today markst the beginning of an extended vacation. Packing is never dull! I get nervous when I have to make final decisions. I'm very productive the last few days before a trip and I've heard more than one time management guru refer to this state of being as desirable. I'm not so sure.​

Last night, I managed to track down the foul gas smell that was drifting through our back yard. It wasn't the BBQ. It wasn't the outdoor firepit. It wasn't the two propane heaters on the patio. All of these likely sources were immediately checked and rectified by turning the valve to the off position. The source of our odour was a newly installed gas meter. A quarter turn probably fixed it although the fellow who was fixing it gently hinted that everything was fine and I could go back inside. If it wasn't for the last minute, when would things get done?

He packing​

​She packing